Ionuț Anton, Dana Tănase
OAR Bucharest
26, 27, 28 June 2015
The articulation_through_pattern workshop aims to explore the contemporary articulation concept based on a differentiated pattern that further generates volumetric components. The goal is to integrate 3D printing possibilities in the design practice and to create a range of different volumetric elements that linked together will determine the whole.
During the three-day intensive workshop the participants will get familiar with the constraints of 3D printing and will develop Grasshopper scripts for creating differentiated components. The workshop will result in a series of joint strategies fabricated through 3D printing.
The pattern is based on a geometric generating rule and its construction is not accidental. The pattern expresses a logical succession, a sequential though, governed by a set of rules and by that is related with the algorithm. On the other hand, the pattern assumes the existence of repeated units, which are multiplied and articulated to generate continuity.
The contemporary design attempts to depart from the top-down approach in which geometry is imposed, and to be built is required to decompose it into parts. In this case digital fabrication is used only for the economic efficiency, and is based on predefined methods. Alternatively, the object subdivision is integrated in the design process, and becomes part of the concept. By doing so, the design process is bottom-up and the overall geometry is generated by articulating components, but this time they do not have to be identical.
We are no longer interested in free-form surfaces, but articulated structures, where differentiation serves as joint. We approach the gradual transition as a joint, where the form is transformed in order to adapt to different situations. The variable form generation is the result of linking together variables regarding conceptual aspects, geometry and function, but the transition between various situations is not brutal. Thus the articulation, as part of the whole, reflects both global logic and local character.
Contemporary articulation is part of the digital generation process and is defined through algorithms and includes at the same time material aspects. The pattern becomes the abstraction of conceptual issues, materials and fabrication processes. It is characterized by variability, weaving and assembling the various components. The articulation is defined as a component in itself or as a result of the intersection of neighboring components. Articulation is s place that synchronizes ambiguities, a soft interaction, a connection that defines global geometry, but outlines the components.
Participants: Adrian Gheorghe, Andrei Victor Moldoveanu, Amina Al-Adhami, Andreea Bogdan, Catalina Cosoiu, Ionuț Pătrașcu, Mădălina Balulescu, Mădălina Mușat, Mariana Calugarita.