Grasshopper Beginner Course
Ionuț Anton (ART-Authorised Rhino Trainer), Daniela Tănase (ART-Authorised Rhino Trainer)
OAR Bucureşti – Romanian Order of Architects, Bucharest Branch
Ruukki Romania
The Grasshopper Beginner Course we held in 2013 in partnership with OAR Bucuresti.
The Module Grasshopper Beginners course is intended for architects and designers interested in expand Rhinoceros 3D modeling skills using Grasshopper application that provides a visual programming environment.
This course will help architects and designers in their practice and development of forms using generative algorithms.
• Introduction to parametric design
• Understanding the user interface of Grasshopper and visual programming theory
• Understand the components and types of networking
• Linking and importing and exporting geometry from Rhino Rhino geometry results back
• Knowledge of the main data types (numbers, fields, vectors, points, curves, surfaces, brep)
• Manage lists and trees of data: simple tasks lists, extracting data in lists and trees
• Operations with vectors and points
• Using colored gradient according to the parameters
• Strategies of planar space subdivision: Voronoi
• Working with curves and create surfaces : loft, surface from points, attractors
• Surface subdivision with Lunchbox: triangular, hex, diagrid
[…] Despre modulul de Grasshopper Incepatori […]
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I would like to register for gh beginners I cannot see where on ur website
Good day,
Unfortunately our courses are targeted to the romanian audience and are in the local language.
More information about the courses you can find on (page is in romanian).
Thank you